Your doctor has ordered a thyroid exam to evaluate the function of your thyroid. This scan is performed over 2 days, 24 hours apart.

Day 1

The technologist will ask you a few questions related to your symptoms, then you will ingest a radioactive pill with a glass of water. You will not feel any symptoms and it is safe for you to return home and be around family members.

Day 2

You will be placed in front of a Thyroid probe to measure the activity in your neck and thigh. After that, you will receive a small injection of a radioactive material that will allow us to take images under a nuclear medicine scanner. You will lay down on your back with a cushion under your knees and we will obtain images for approximately 30 minutes.

The following medications must be discontinued for a short time before your procedure:

  • Synthroid, Thyorxine, Levoxyl: 4 weeks
  • Lugols Solution: 4 weeks
  • Cytomel: 10 days
  • PTU, Tapezole, Methimazole: 3-4 days

No X-Ray or CT Scan with Contrast 4 weeks prior to your exam. Please inform the technologist if you are claustrophobic.