Your doctor has ordered a Hepatobiliary (HIDA) Scan to assess gallbladder anatomy and function. Please follow these simple instructions so that we may best serve you.

  1. Fasting for 4 hours prior to your exam is required. You may drink water during this fasting period.
  2. Medications may be taken with a sip of water, with the exception of any opiod or morphine-based pain medication.
  3. Report to the Radiology department 15 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to allow time for check-in.
  4. An I.V. will be placed in your arm for your exam.
  5. You will receive an injection of radioactive material that will help visualize your liver and gallbladder. You will lie on the scanner for up to 2 hours for your exam. Delay images are sometimes necessary and will extend the time of your exam. The technologist will keep you informed of any potential delays throughout yor exam.
  6. You are able to resume normal activities following your exam.


CCK (Cholecystokinin) is a medication given to contract the gallbladder to assess gallbladder function. During the injection you may experience abdominal cramping or pain and nausea, however this will pass quickly. (It may be the same discomfort that brought you to the doctor originally).

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