To pay your invoice online, select the name at the top of your statement. You will be redirected to our secure third-party online payment processing system and asked to input your account number, found on your statement.

Diagnostic Imaging Services of CT, LLC (DISCT)

Norwich, CT Norwich Imaging

Meriden Imaging Center, Inc (MIC)

Cheshire, CT Cheshire Imaging
Hamden, CT Whitney Imaging
New Britain, CT MRI of New Britain
Mystic, CT Mystic Imaging
Plainville, CT MRI
South Windsor, CT Buckland Imaging
Vernon, CT Vernon Imaging
Wallingford, CT Vein Centers of Connecticut
Wallingford, CT Wallingford Imaging
West Hartford, CT West Hartford Imaging

MidState Radiology Associates, LLC (MRA)*

Colchester, CT Hartford HealthCare Health Center
Meriden, CT MidState Medical Center
New Britain, CT The Hospital of Central Connecticut – New Britain General Campus
Norwich, CT Backus Hospital
Norwich, CT Backus Outpatient Care Center
Plainfield, CT Backus Hospital Plainfield Emergency Care Center
Plainville, CT The Hospital of Central Connecticut – Comprehensive Imaging Center
Southington, CT The Hospital of Central Connecticut – Bradley Memorial Campus

Vein Centers, LLC (VCL)

Bristol, CT Vein Centers of Connecticut
*Only bills associated with imaging services are able to be paid through this site. Bills received from Hartford HealthCare may be paid online with Hartford HealthCare’s MyChartPLUS or Hartford HealthCare’s secure online payment portal.
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